
Posts Tagged ‘herbs’

Land Grab

I know this was meant to be up last month, but lacking a scanner meant I couldn’t include the pretty pictures I wanted to include. Well, now they have been scanned and here we go.

Late on last season (around the time I first mentioned the land grab) I’d spent a couple of mornings and evenings digging some mammoth docks and dandelions from the top of the plot. Big roots, hard work and a great deal of satisfaction when my seed bed was finally clear.

The following day, Sam came to the plot to help with a few bits.
I must be a bit of a pushover… long story short, my seed bed is now Sam’s herb garden.

It’s going to be quite nice having a bit I don’t need to think or worry about, and she’s looking forwards to getting it started… but I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t sting a little that she grabbed the land AFTER the hard work of clearing it. Haha.
I’d have cleared it either way, and she’s put in plenty of work clearing weeds already, but I still find the timing funny.

So, onto the pictures I delayed posting for. The first is the plot as it was at its peak before winter set in. The tall green bits at the far end are the Jerusalem Artichokes (which may well be dug out entirely soon), behind them and down to the front of the plot (the brown twig looking things are the soft fruit bushes) you can see those parts of the old path that are still need to be dug out.

Just a pretty picture showing the area actually used in Year 1.

In the second one you’ll see the plot after the path is fully out, a likely spot for some compost bins (that part may well change… I’m thinking of a cold frame and the compost bins put in differently), the moved comfrey and rhubarb and most importantly, Sam’s herb garden at the top.

Just a pretty picture showing the plot as it will (probably) be laid out in Year 2.

Year 2 on the allotment. I'm not putting in too much detail about what will go where as that's still uncertain, but you can see the extra space and beds that come from digging up the path and artichokes (which will probably go), moving the comfrey and rhubarb and also the land-grabbed herb garden at the far end. Easier drawn than done though.

More posts, updates and general allotment-ness to come soon.

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